
Autumn it’s here

So the autumn it’s here!!! How exciting!!! I know I know it’s weird, everybody loves summer and I do too but not as much as I love autumn J I have such a good memories when I was little like coming back from school and my mom waiting for me with a sandwich a chocolate milkshake and Sesame Street on the TV!!

Those memories make me think about how we can give our home an autumn look.  With 3 homey colors as an inspiration I made a collage of how I see this fall. 

Hope you like it.

Wall paper:  Family tree from Papeles de los 70
Fabric: Kvadrat Hallingdal 65-590 and Cava 3-432 from fabric kvadrat
Sofa: Polder Lether Sofa from Vitra
Chairs: Hester Dinning Chair from Habitat
Picture: Rachel Castle Print Mass 1
Table: Ash Table from Michelle Kaufmann


Soul's X-Ray

If the doctor could get an x-ray of my soul I'm sure he would see this.  At least for today...

Hope things will get better and better!!


Little Tiny Studio

I don'k know what's going on with me and the little spaces.  I feel so atracted to them! maybe because for me it's a real challenge to distribute this tiny spaces.  Or maybe because all my apartaments have been so little that I have allways been forced to find out how to get everything inside.  How can you have a bedroom, kitchen, livingroom, bathroom and storage with barely 30M2?

Right now I'm so happy!! We have found a little tiny studio in the center of London!! And I can't wait to have the keys and give it our special touch!!!

As I said it's really small but with a lot of natural light, good finishes and a terrace!! so I've been doing some researching and this is what I found.  We must take into account that is a rental so I'm a little restricted :(

Since I just have one closet this is a good idea! Use the doors to storage all the complements with clips.

Budget is another issue.  I love this! A perfect DIY proyect for the sunday! I can't wait to go to the flea markets!!!
Ok! Thank God I don't have this problem! The kitchen is really nice for a studio but it is not always like that so here's a solution.

 I let you here the links where I found this.  Have a nice day!!!


New Blog Header !!

Ok!! After a little problem with Photoshop I finish my new header!! The old one was ok but maybe too country for this time of my life! jeje!!!

Hope you like the new one!! I love play with Photoshop and Illustrator!!!

Have a nice weeked!!


Sidertia: Seguridad Informática, Desarrollo y Tecnología de la Información

En estos últimos meses he estado mas alejada de la actualizacion del blog por 3 proyectos en los que estaba trabajando: Uno el magnifico curso de diseño gráfico de casi 6 meses que finalicé recientemente.  Otro el traslado de residencia a Londres por el trabajo de mi marido.  Y por último y el mas reconfortante, el diseño de un logo para, en mi opinión, una de las mejores empresas de informática que hay en España Sidertia

Sidertia es una empresa joven pero con una gran experiencia en el mundo de las consultorías informáticas.  Como diseñadora fue todo un reto ya que siempre quieres hacer cosas innovadoras y bueno aceptemos que los negocios como bufetes de abogados o informáticos no suelen tener una imagen rompedora.  Así que no sabia si iba a tener mucha o poca libertad para crear la imagen corporativa.  Por suerte para mi la tuve!!

Basándome en las 3 áreas del negocio y lo importante de la interrelación de todas las áreas entre sí fui desarrollando una imagen simple y fresca.  Como símbolo 3 cuadrados con vértices redondeados para transmitir ligereza, suavidad pero al mismo tiempo firmeza y seguridad, ya que el cuadrado es la figura geométrica más estable.  Si los giramos ligeramente transmiten movimiento lo que se traduce en la adaptación de las áreas a cada cliente y cada circunstancia ya que es una empresa que continuamente se esta formando y acreditando.

Los colores elegidos como no puede ser de otra forma son los relacionados con el mundillo de los ordenadores RGB (rojo, verde y azul) y el nombre en 3 tonos de negro en diferentes porcentajes para diferenciar las 3 áreas.

Por ultimo coloqué un cursor delante, me pareció divertido y daba la sensación que el nombre esta escribiéndose en ese mismo momento.  Espero se grabe en la mente de todos los clientes jejeje!!!

Por cierto... los clientes quedaron muy contentos y yo mas que ellos si cabe!!

Os dejo con el resultado final!

In the last few months I have been away from updating the blog because of 3 projects I been working in: one the graphic design course from almost 6 months that I love! and finished recently. Another one the change of residence to London due to my husband's work. And finally and most delightful one, designing a logo for, in my opinion, one of the best computer companies that exist in Spain Sidertia.

Sidertia is a young company but with a great experience in the computer consulting world. As a designer was a big challenge because software companies as well as legal firms do not usually have original corporate image. So I didn't know if I was going to have much or little freedom to create the corporate image. Luckily for me I had it!

Based on the 3 areas of the business and the relevance of the interrelationship of all the areas to each other I developed a simple and fresh image. As a symbol 3 squares with rounded corners to convey lightness, softness but also strength and security, since the square is the most stable geometric figure. If we rotate slightly transmit motion which is the adaptation results of all the areas to each client and each situation as it is a company that is training and certifying continually.

The colors I've chosen, as it can not be otherwise, are those related to the computer's world RGB (red, green and blue) and the name in 3 different percentages of black to distinguish the 3 areas.

Finally put a cursor in front of the name, I thought it was funny and had the feeling that the name is being written at that very moment. I hope it burn in the minds of all customers!

By the way, the clients were very pleased and I was even more if that's possible!! jeje!!

 I leave you with the final result!


Demasiado tiempo lo se !!!

Ha pasado demasiado tiempo desde la ultima entrada....   Estoy casi terminando un curso de 490 horas de diseño gráfico y descubriendo un mundo nuevo en cuanto a diseño en papel!! Me encanta!! estoy con muchas ganas de empezar una nueva parte de mi vida !!!

♥ ♥ ♥ Gracias por estar ahí siempre !!! ♥ ♥ ♥

Os dejo un vídeo que vimos en clase y me encanto!!!  Espero que a vosotros también.

Nos vemos muy pronto!!

It's been too long since last post.  I'm allmost finishing a Grafic Design Course of 490 hr and learning so much about it !!! It`s a whole new world !!! I LOVE IT !!! And i'm looking so forward to star a new part of my life !!!

♥ ♥ ♥ Thanx for be there !!! ♥ ♥ ♥

By the moment i post a greate video !!! Hope you'll like it !!!

See you soon.